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Why me? - Science and spirituality as inevitable bed partners

Authors: Dr Patrick Quanten & Erik Bualda

Paperback ISBN: 9789082785418

  • Available from most retailers, bookshops, internet commerce and Amazon (USA, Canada, Europe)

E-Book ISBN: 9789082785425

  • Available from 70 online retailers


Patrick Quanten has been a general practitioner since 1983. The combination of medical insight and extensive studies of Complementary Therapies have opened new perspectives on health care, all of which came to fruition when it blended with Yogic and Ayurvedic principles. Patrick gave up his medical licence in November 2001.
Patrick also holds qualifications in Ayurvedic Medicine, Homeopathy, Reiki, Ozon Therapy and Thai Massage. He is an expert on Ear Candling and he is also well-read in the field of other hard sciences. His life's work involves finding similarities between the Ancient Knowledge and modern Western science.

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